Friday, November 6, 2009

Noah's 7 month pictures

We just received our pictures from Noah's 7 month photo shoot. Sarah Gilles (Butterfly Chaser Photography) did an absolutely incredible job. The photos are amazing! Here are some of our favorites. You can click on each picture to see it larger.

Noah with his Great-Grandparents, Pa-Pa and Granny.


This is one of my most favorites!

Noah had just learned to pull himself up to stand.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Noah is 9 months!

Noah is 9 months old! He is such a happy baby. He is crawling all over the place, curious about everything, and learning to stand without holding on to anything. He finally said "Momma" and "Pop"!

Sunday we had a great family day. We went to church then spent the afternoon relaxing and at the park. Noah had a blast with the freedom to crawl just about anywhere he wanted.